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2021-05-12 at 11:52  Timo Löyttyniemi
The size of the population and labour force are central to any assessment of economic development. Economic activity can be explained by population size. Incomes, consumption and savings can be explained by demographics. The strain on public...
2021-03-12 at 12:17  Timo Löyttyniemi
Now it is clear: Bill Gates is a wise man. Recently, he published a book entitled ”How to avoid a climate disaster: The solutions we have and the breakthroughs we need”. He doesn’t complain or brag. He doesn’t blame others or criticise. He...
2021-03-02 at 12:40  Timo Löyttyniemi
Inflation has not made a comeback, but it has resurfaced as a subject of debate. There are several reasons for this. One is nostalgia, because many fear an overall fall in prices. Another reason is the heavy debt burden of states and a lot of...
2021-02-04 at 13:56  Timo Löyttyniemi
It’s seldom that anything this interesting happens. Web postings by small investors triggered a price rally which got a major hedge fund into trouble and caused it to lose 50% of its assets. This event will have wide-ranging consequences. But it’s...
2021-01-28 at 16:24  Timo Löyttyniemi
The debt burden of nations has been growing in recent years. As a result of the coronavirus crisis, sovereign debt has reached a substantially higher level. Currently, the government debt of the euro area countries stands at 101.7 per cent of GDP....
2020-12-16 at 11:49  Timo Löyttyniemi
The investment market is always challenging. Up to the present day, a diversified portfolio has generated sufficient returns in the long term. But the road is bumpier when it comes to short-term investments. While the prospects for 2021 inspire...
2020-11-11 at 8:23  Timo Löyttyniemi
The most important piece of news this autumn was China’s pledge that the country would become carbon neutral by 2060. While it may not have come as a surprise, the declaration will have major implications on world politics, international...
2020-10-30 at 13:51  Timo Löyttyniemi
A book about a crisis is seldom published before it happens. Normally, a large amount of writings are released after the fact. An exception to this rule is ‘Pale Rider – the Spanish flu of 1918 and how it changed the world’ by L. Spinner which...
2020-09-29 at 11:17  Timo Löyttyniemi
The buzz word of the season is ‘wave’. Most people knew to be prepared for a second wave of the coronavirus. Now it’s here, and the pandemic appears to be accelerating, as expected. What is surprising, however, is that there are many different...
2020-08-10 at 14:05  Timo Löyttyniemi
Pension investing is an interesting field of activity. It pursues important social goals while at the same time being at the heart of the financial markets. Pension investing affects all citizens. Even if it is often perceived as a black box, the...
2020-05-29 at 15:05  Timo Löyttyniemi
The success of an institutional investor depends on a number of variables. Planning has its limits, as the investor is always at the mercy of the markets. Forecasts only go so far because they seldom come true. Recently, when giving a...
2020-05-14 at 10:03  Timo Löyttyniemi
Many people may have been puzzled by the sharp recovery of stock market during the past weeks. Since the lows of March, equity prices have risen by 30 per cent. To summarise, one could say that it’s too good to be true. Listed here are six reasons...
2020-04-17 at 9:24  Timo Löyttyniemi
We have been watching the spread of the coronavirus in amazement and following the massive measures being implemented to counter it. Decision-making has focused on human health, hospital capacity, intensive care and the number of deaths. Public...
2020-04-07 at 15:04  Timo Löyttyniemi
Pension investors have a lot to think about amidst the coronavirus crisis. How long will it last and what sort of impact will it have? When is it advisable to reduce and when to increase risk? When will the markets and the economy recover? Often...
2020-03-24 at 12:45  Timo Löyttyniemi
With the spread of the coronavirus, we people tend to seek guidance from the past. Are there any past events similar to current developments? Would they give us pointers as to the future? There is no shortage of information, particularly for those...
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2025 acceleration active investing added value AI alternative investments asset classes austerity measures authoritarian governments baby boom baseline capitalism carbon border tax carbon emissions carbon footprint carbon intensity carbon neutrality carbon risk carbon tax carbon-neutral economy carbon-neutrality career central banks choices circular economy climate change climate commitments climate crisis CO2 emissions collateral commercial paper market commodities concentrated markets contingency plan contrarian corona crisis coronavirus coronavirus crisis countermeasures covid crisis covid economy crises crisis crypto currencies currencies debt debt burden debt structures decision-making defence industry defence policy defence technology degrowth democracy demographic trends demography dependency ratio depression derivatives development digital money digitalisation dilution disease monitoring system diversification Draghi ECB economic competition economic development economic growth economic policy economic system economy effective treatment electricity exchanges emergency measures employment figures energy export energy exports energy imports energy prices energy war environmental policy equity market equity markets escalation ESG EU EU elections euribor Europe exchange rates expected returns external borrowing FAAMG Fed financial crisis financial market financial markets financial stability Finnish Centre for Pensions (ETK) fiscal policy fixed income investments fixed-income investments forecasting fossil fuels free trade fund funding ratio funds GDP geopolitics global trade globalisation globalization government debt government finances green growth green technology green transition Growth healthcare systems hedge funds illiquid assets increase in prices indebtedness index investing index weighting indices inflation Innovations institutional investor institutional investors interest level interest rate interest rate level interest rates internal market international trade investment investment beliefs investment environment investment returns investment risk investments investments contribution approach joint debt Kauppalehti level of risk liberalism long-term return low-carbon economy market crash market economy market forces market interest rate market movements market portfolio market rallies market reaction markets megatrends miracle momentum monetary policy ownership policy pandemic pension investments pension investors pension liability pension promise pension system pension systems planning political decision-making portfolio structure positive side effect predatory traders pre-funding preparedness presidential elections price fall private equity private markets protectionism real estate investment real estate investments real estate market real estate sector rearmament recession regulation renewable energy renewable natural resources rescue packages responsibility restrictions retirement retirement age returns on investments risk bearer risk level risk management risk profile Russia sanctions scenarios security investments short squeeze sovereign debt spill-over effect stagflation state state ownership stimulation stimulation packages stock exchange stock market stock markets stock prices stock-exchange markets stocks strategic allocation strategic autonomy strategy success support measures supportive actions sustainability target retirement age taxation taxes technology the leading powers The United States timeframe for liabilities timing totalitarianism transition risk Trump trumponomics uncertainty venture capital virus war war of aggression wealth welfare state wish list